健身 & 健康
更多信息校园娱乐有助于全人的教育和发展,并为学生提供就业场所. 不仅仅是一个锻炼的地方, 娱乐中心还可以作为教育的场所:成员培养积极的自尊, 增进他们的社会关系, 提高他们的人际交往能力. 娱乐中心为满足需求的节目和活动提供了一个独特的场所, 利益, 以及对多元化社区的期望.
Gain health benefits such as feelings of physical well-being, 减压, 尊重他人, 友谊, 和自信.
密歇根州立大学丹佛 Degree-Seeking Students taking at least one in-person class this semester, 用学费获得会员资格. 所有其他附属机构都可以购买会员资格.
在夏季营业时间(周一至周五上午7点)访问健身中心,激活您的会员资格.m.–7 p.m.
Affiliation 2024年夏天* (July 1-Aug. 15)
. 注册学生$19.30
UCD/CCD -学生$40
UCD/CCD -教职员工$47.50
Community $60
培训和会议在这里举行. 位于较低的楼层, 可访问的 by the stairs outside of the 健身 Center, 或者穿过体育馆的隐藏电梯.
奇迹发生的地方. 报名参加户外探险或城市景观, 租用户外或运动装备, 了解更多关于户外活动的知识, 调整你的自行车, 和更多的. 体育办公室共享这个空间,你可以在这里开始一个新的俱乐部团队或报名参加校内活动. 位于较低的楼层, 可访问的 by the stairs outside of the 健身 Center, 或者穿过体育馆的隐藏电梯.
向下滚动查看便利设施 within the locker rooms. 会员需要卡才能进入. 看到工作人员. 可通过南北走廊到达.
向下滚动查看便利设施 within the locker rooms. 会员需要卡才能进入. 看到工作人员. 可通过南北走廊到达.
Where memberships are activated and questions answered. Located in the northeast corner of the building.
Including cardio equipment, free weights, and selectorized machines. 甚至还有一面攀岩墙! Located in the northeast corner of the building.
向下滚动查看便利设施. 会员需要卡才能进入. 看到工作人员. 位于南面的走廊上.
请先到健身中心参观. Located in the very southeast corner of the building, behind the Multipurpose Room.
请先到健身中心参观. Located in the very southeast corner of the building, behind the Multipurpose Room.
Group fitness classes and leadership programs are held here. 位于南走廊的东端.
Healthy Pursuits classes (Yoga, Zumba, Pilates) are held here. Located on the west side of the building with all the glass doors.
体育 such as basketball, volleyball, indoor soccer, and badminton are played here. 位于建筑的北侧.
Group fitness classes and personal training sessions take place here. 位于二楼西北角,通过木门可通过自动售货机.
团体健身课程在这里举行. Located on the second floor on the southeast corner.
校园娱乐, 皇冠官网网站鼓励包容的, 通过为所有技能水平设计和提供具有挑战性的课程,营造开放和欢迎的氛围. We endeavor to maintain programs that include and welcome people of all races, 信条, 种族, 性别, 性取向, 学习风格, 经济水平, 年龄, 出身地区和身体能力. We recognize that all participants bring a level of experience, skill and ability. We will not make assumptions about others’ ability, interest or experience. 皇冠官网网站将继续评估皇冠官网网站的政策和做法,以确保公平地获得皇冠官网网站提供的全方位服务. 这份声明是校园娱乐学生和专业人员共同努力的结果.
使命: 丹佛大都会州立大学’s mission is to provide a high-quality, 可访问的, enriching education that prepares students for successful careers, post-graduate education and lifelong learning in a multicultural, 全球化和技术社会. 完成自己的使命, 密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的多元化大学社区使整个社区参与学术研究, creative activity and the application of knowledge.
愿景: 丹佛大都会州立大学的愿景是成为全国卓越的公立城市大学.
价值观: 密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的使命, 愿景, 作为一所大学,皇冠官网网站的核心价值观定义了皇冠官网网站是谁,并渴望成为什么样的人,这些价值观为皇冠官网网站的持续运营和战略规划提供了信息. They are: Diversity, Access, Entrepreneurship, Respect, and Community.
今天皇冠官网网站聚集在这里, 皇冠官网网站尊重并承认,皇冠官网网站是在夏延族和阿拉帕霍族的传统领土和祖传家园上. 这个地区也是贸易的场所, 狩猎, 收集, and healing for many other Native Nations: The Lakota, 乌特, 基奥瓦人, 科曼奇族, Apache, 休休尼人, 和其他人.
We recognize the Indigenous peoples as the original stewards of the land, 水, 这些植物, 还有把这里称为家的动物. As these words of acknowledgment are spoken and heard, 这些国家与其传统家园的联系得到了更新和重申. 让皇冠官网网站也承认种族灭绝和被迫离开这一领土的痛苦历史. 皇冠官网网站尊重仍然与皇冠官网网站聚集的这片土地联系在一起的许多不同的土著人民. 皇冠官网网站向他们表示敬意,并感谢所有部落民族和这个地方的祖先.
Here are departments, offices and groups we work with:
咨询中心 – here to address your 心理健康 and psychological needs. We pay close attention to your issues; help you to explore options that assist in your resolution; and connect you to other resources when appropriate. Do not worry alone; we are here for you.
第一代倡议 – serves as a resource hub for current First-Generation students (57.7% of our undergrad population) as they navigate campus.
奥瑞瑞亚的健康中心 -在Auraria校园内提供疾病治疗的经认可的多诊所, 受伤, COVID-19检测和疫苗, 免疫接种, 心理健康, 物理考试, 虚拟约会, 和更多的 for the students and employees of the Campus.
移民服务 -在这里确保移民, 难民, DACA, 无证学生有一个地方可以提问,并在经济援助方面获得一对一的帮助, 写作作业, 删除或添加类, 以及其他可能出现的问题!
LGBTQ学生资源中心 – focused on enhancing LGBTQ student experiences through community-building, 学术和专业发展, and support in navigating the various challenges they may experience.
市场营销专业 ——皇冠官网网站的 AACSB-accredited Marketing program offers small classes—packed with ambitious business students, and led by professors with years of relevant industry experience. 学生完成真实, hands-on marketing projects—including solving real problems for actual businesses; so students don’t just LEARN marketing, 他们做市场营销!
通往可能的道路 -为一年级新生(有色人种或低收入家庭的学生)提供成功指导,为他们提供个性化的支持,帮助他们适应大学生活(包括专业和职业探索), 了解经济援助, 研讨会, 笔记本电脑, 参加皇冠官网网站项目的津贴, 还有更多!).
The Gender Institute for Teaching and Advocacy (GITA)
三重奏学生支援服务 -提供个人和学术支持服务,并为第一代学生提供小额奖学金, 低收入, or who have a documented disability; application opens every fall and spring semester.
丹佛,CO 80204